Mission statement

The rapid development in technology requires continuous study, and attention to innovation. The urgency to utilize renewable energies as alternative energy resources is growing. The challenge remains to take bold steps into creating solutions, to contemporary energy problems, that are transformative, practical and sustainable.

My mission is to gather all resources within my domain to conduct and produce scientific research that can improve the status-quote of collective human knowledge and leave a positive impact on the global community. My mission is to learn and educate. Above all, my mission is to leave a legacy for the future generations to come where they can build upon the structures we develop and elevate the human experience.

The motivation for my mission is mainly derived from my love and admiration to my family and country of Iraq. Being able to support them both is highly dependent on maintaining my performance and maximizing my efforts in academia. To continue my quest, I must dedicate myself to my career in academia. Although I believe in specialization, as mine is solar energy research, when appropriate I will venture into other fields if I have justifiable grounds to do so.

Ultimately the vision I have is for our generation, and the future generations, to build a brighter future where humans continue to thrive and take care of one another. Where we no longer must face catastrophes such as conflicts and famines.

My view is that knowledge is the ultimate tool we humans can acquire, propagate, preserve and pass on. Hence, I will always aim to gain it through education and experience in life and academia. In addition, I do believe in wisdom. I also do recognize my lack of it. It is part of my vision to develop more of it as I grow.